Get To Know Me Better

As a mom to three amazing kids, I'm all about giving them the best life possible. Right now, things are a bit tough with the economy the way it is. I've had a good run with MLM and now I'm diving into digital marketing, which has been a bit of a financial adjustment for our family. It's not been easy, but I'm not one to back down. I'm a doer, not a quitter! I'm determined to achieve my goals. I've always had that entrepreneurial spirit, from running my own hair salon to leading a team of over 2,000 in MLM, and now I'm embracing the digital world. I'm ready for this new chapter. How about you?

My mission is to help you achieve the best version of yourself.

I want you to stay positive through this experience, and embrace the journey. You have to love the journey and yourself or you will not achieve the results you are after. I want you to dream, I want you to take action, I want you to know that you can do whatever it is that you are after. But you need to know that. I want to be here to help you do just that. You can barrow my confidence in you until you build up enough for yourself. Lets get started! 

Im Ready


Stay at Home Mom

What I love about Krystal is that she is so REAL. She does not sugar coat anything. I have been following her for years and truly feel like if she says something I can trust her judgement. I have learned so much from her in the past 3 years. Thank you for always being here. 



I have worked with Krystal in the past. She is a wonderful mentor with so much value to give. Every time I purchase something from her or have a conversation with her I learn something new! She is a tiger, never backs down. I look up to her very much so! 


Retired NBA Dancer

Just a little girl, age 4, with a lot of energy. My mother insisted that I got into an activity to burn off some energy. Never did we imagine it would be such a passion of mine. Years later after graduating highschool, I took on my first paid job as a Cleveland Cavaliers Girl. 


Or should I say I drink creamer...HAHA. My significant other always corrects me when I say I drink coffee. I must say after I add my creamer and sometimes even sugar, my coffee is very very light in color. 

Im a MOM

I have been so very blessed to have 3 beautiful healthy children. I have two boys, and finally got my girl as my 3rd and final child. I am so blessed to have them in my life, I could not imagine my life without them. They are my world. 

I suffer with Anxiety

I was born with anxiety and I always say it must have come from my experience coming down the canal. LOL! In all seriousness, I have suffered with health anxiety my entire life. It is not fun. 

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